



Originally the forehead was wide, and the hair was getting thinner with age, but today I went to a barber shop and I was a little shocked that the back of the head was quite rough when I was shown the finish.

One year last year I dropped 15 kg in a year on a diet, but since I have returned about 10 kg and there is no fine dust such as good appearance from the beginning, it looks shabby with age … (crying)

If you look bad, you can not work, you can not afford the money. Well, the inside is also negative. No, there is nothing good about it. What should I do.

It seems that a lot of people can see your silly articles if you tag them. Let’s add a little more.

#熊本 #システムエンジニア #SE #プログラマ #人材募集中 #酒好き #アルコール #ダイエット #リバウンド #貧乏暇無し #髪が薄い #ネガティブ #反面教師 #自己啓発 #単なる構ってちゃん


Look ahead and do my best now. If I do my best now, will I be rewarded in the future? I know what I’m doing, but I am strong at the edge so I think it would be nice to be with you.